Yesterday I purchased a new pin badge for my ManBag, from the Pride Hub run by Pride in Surrey I bought this because I felt that, with the rise in Transphobia, Bi-Phobia & Homophobia, I needed to show other members of the LGBTQ Community that I am a member of the community, who accepts all members, and no matter whether you are Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Transgender or Queer you are safe around me, and that I'm not intent on causing you harm.
It is a shame that there are some groups out there that claim to be a part of the LGBTQ community yet, are intent on erasing the T (Transgender) & other parts of the LGBTQ community as they feel there is no such thing as a transgendered person, or someone who was born male or female and who does not identify as such. As far as I am concerned there is no LGB without the T, and other parts of the community such as Intersex, Non Binary and Asexual etc. I think it's important the world knows this.
My hope for the future is that no matter what part of the LGBTQ+ Community you are from, you will be able to feel safe, respected and a part of modern society, regardless of what others think of you. I also hope that members of the community who feel that other parts of the community, should be erased, begin to realise that they they are making a mistake, and start to accept everyone in the community.