As some of you will know I am a christian, and I have recently added
the pin badge, shown above,, to my man bag, to let people know that I
am an an a christian who is a member of the LGBTQ+ community. This badge replaces another christian cross pin badge, that unfortunately became detached from my man bag. I thought I would use this blog post to let you know where my current christian journey is.
I consider myself to be a Church of England Anglican christian, and am really pleased that as a result Living in Love and Faith process. the General Synod voted to allow the blessing of same sex couples within the Church of England. I am however concerned that groups within the Church of England such as the Church of England Evangelical Council (CEEC) are against the idea of same sex blessing, and do not want to have anything to do with it. As far as I am concerned Jesus welcomed all to sit and eat at his table, and to me that includes all LGBTQ+ identifying Christians. I think that if you do not agree with same sex blessings all you need to say as a Church of England vicar Is tat I don't offer them in my church, but speak to Reverend X at Y church as they do same sex blessings in their church.
Currently I no longer attend church, as I have been taking a break for the last few years from one I had attended for over 16 years, partly due I'm beginning to wonder about going back to church, but feeling that if I do, I need to find one that accepts that I am a gay christian, and I am not sure in the church I was in for 16+ years, would do so.
For the future I hope that LGBTQ+ christians the world over will be accepted as valued members of all denominations of the church, be allowed to be themselves, and be able to get married in church.