Tuesday, November 21, 2006

IM Interoperability

One of the things that really annoys me on the internet is the lack of interoperability between instant messaging programs. I wish it was easy to chat to my friends on their various chat networks, yet it isn’t, because I have to load one program for some friends, another for other friends etc.

I think the time has come when the internet should agree on one standard for instant messaging, so that like e-mail it is easy to instant message anyone you know. The good news is that there is a standard instant messaging technology approved and that is Jabber, yet the major players in IM technology - AOL, Yahoo! anad Microsoft have not yet adopted this technology, only Google has in their Google Talk software.

If instant messaging is to become as widespread in use as e-mail then I think its time that one standard system is used, and I hope that Jabber is the one chosen, as it has all the features you need, such as voice chat, video chat etc, and has a wide range of software clients, so you are not tied to one piece of software that you don’t like. For more on Jabber see www.jabbber.org

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