Friday, July 15, 2005

A Question

Regular readers of my blog will have read my posts on Ethical Banking. As a result of these posts, and some of the comments I have received I would like to ask my readers a question. Does your bank deal with your money in an ethical way, and invest in companies who care for the world?

I used to think that when you put money in to a bank account, that the bank simply held it in your account and did nothing with it. Then I realised that this was not the case, and that they invested my money as they saw fit to make a profit on it. This I thought was OK, until I realised they could invest my money in any company, even those companies supplying weapons to terrorists, polluting the atmosphere etc. I'm glad I switched banks, as my money is now ethically working for my bank and me.

It would be really good if more and more people started to bank ethically, then perhaps more banks would take ethics seriously!

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