Tuesday, September 06, 2005


The other day I downloaded a new instant messaging client from Google called Google Talk. This is Google's first foray in to instant messaging and rather than building their own connection system, they are using the Jabber (aka XMPP) system. The best thing about this system is that it is Open Source, therefore anyone can create software that works with Jabber.

The way Jabber works is that people running internet servers, can install the Jabber software on their servers, and offer a Jabber service. This means that you are not tied to the services of one company, as you are in MSN Messenger etc. Jabber servers can also offer "Transports" which are designed to connect you to people on legacy Instant Messaging services such as AIM or ICQ etc.

I think Google have made the right decision in going with a Jabber client, mainly because of the open source nature, and the fact that the Jabber system seems to be the future of Instant messaging. Their Google Talk client can't yet handle connection to Jabber users on other servers, file transfers and Transports, I suspect these will come in a Beta build in the future.

I am encouraging all my friends to migrate to Google Talk, as it means they will be using a service that is free, does not have an instant messaging client laden with unused feature or adverts, and they will get an e-mail address with the best webmail provider there is.

Try Google Talk for yourself at http://talk.google.com

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