Sunday, September 22, 2024

Pride Parades & Events


It was great to go to the Pride in Surrey parade and event yesterday in Guildford. Apart from the wet weather during the parade, it was a great march and event.

I think it would be really good if, where possible, more people that attended the pride event, took part in the pride parade. I respect that for some people this may be difficult, due to perhaps a disability or not being comfortable marching in a pride parade. I believe the pride parade is the most important part of the day and joining in a pride parade, in my opinion, shows:

  • Lets people know we exist
  • Strength in numbers
  • How large the LGBTQ+ community is
  • Lets the people watching the march, know that your a visible member of the LGBTQ+ community, or an Ally
  • Shows people you are not scared of showing people your true colours

It was really great to march through Guildford high street yesterday, in the pouring rain to Stoke Park, just as it was great to march through Reading, and let those watching the parades that the  LGBTQ+ community is here, and not disappearing. It's fantastic that in the UK we can hold pride events, without fear of being persecuted etc.

What I also think would encourage people to take part in the pride parade is priority entry to the pride event, after the march. This happened at Pride in Surrey, and I wish this happened at Reading Pride. 

For me, like a lot of people

  • Pride is a protest, and always has been
  • Showing the world that we exist, and are not prepared to hide in the closet
  • We want the same rights as ordinary heterosexual people
  • We want to be treated like normal human beings
  • Showing the world we stand together as a community to protect the whole community, including our trans siblings 

If you are not a member of the LGTBQ+ community that does not stop you from going to a pride event, go along and be an Ally (supporter) to the community

Saturday, September 07, 2024

Proud To Be Gay

Today I added another pin badge to my man bag,  as I have been wanting for a while to find a pin badge that expresses the fact I am proud to be gay. I feel it is important to let the world know, that not only am I gay, but proud of it as well. 

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

We Are Stonewall

Recently I added another new pin badge to my man bag, to show my support for the LGBTQ rights charity Stonewall, and that the Transgender community is as much a a part of the Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual, Queer community etc.

Monday, February 12, 2024

No LGB Without T



I have recently added a new pin badge to my man bag, because I believe strongly in the fact that the LGBT+ Community is not complete with out the T. I also want to visibly show members of the LGBTQ+ community this as well so that they know that I am not one of those who does not accept the T as part of the LGBTQ+ community.