Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Funny Indian Boney M Karaoke

This is a funny video of some Indians dancing / Miming to Boney M. I love it when an Indian lady does "Freeze I'm Ma Baker..." in an Indian voice, sounds real strange. Have a watch, and you will see what I mean

Friday, November 24, 2006

More Christians and the Cross

The row over the BA check in worker who is not allowed to wear her cross is still going on, recently I read on the internet that this women has lost her appeal against being allowed to wear it, and is going to appeal a second time.

It is amazing, reading on the internet, the number of prominent people who support this women and feel she should be allowed to wear this cross - several MP’s, The Archbishop of York to name but a few.

She is quite right to point out that BA allow Muslims and Sikhs to wear their religious dress when working, so what is the problem with wearing a cross. I believe that companies have to make it fair for everyone, and not stop people of one religion wearing a religious symbol, just because it doesn't fit in with their uniform policy. Therefore BA should allow this women to wear her cross, or ban it’s Muslim employees from wearing a hijab, and it’s Sikh employees from wearing a turban and bangles. I suspect, however, if BA banned a Muslim from wearing a hijab they would be accused of being racists.

It is definitely the time for Christians to stand up for what they believe in, before it is too late.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

IM Interoperability

One of the things that really annoys me on the internet is the lack of interoperability between instant messaging programs. I wish it was easy to chat to my friends on their various chat networks, yet it isn’t, because I have to load one program for some friends, another for other friends etc.

I think the time has come when the internet should agree on one standard for instant messaging, so that like e-mail it is easy to instant message anyone you know. The good news is that there is a standard instant messaging technology approved and that is Jabber, yet the major players in IM technology - AOL, Yahoo! anad Microsoft have not yet adopted this technology, only Google has in their Google Talk software.

If instant messaging is to become as widespread in use as e-mail then I think its time that one standard system is used, and I hope that Jabber is the one chosen, as it has all the features you need, such as voice chat, video chat etc, and has a wide range of software clients, so you are not tied to one piece of software that you don’t like. For more on Jabber see