Saturday, June 19, 2010

Wheatham Cycle Ride

Went on a 12 mile cycle ride today. Started from my place in Petersfield, and went on a circular trip, via Stroud, Steep, Wheatham & West Liss. Interesting ride along the back roads, and it is certainly up and down, from Stroud until Wheatham, thankfully though the hills are not as steep as the one from Stroud to Ramsdean!

It was great being able to cycle along, get some exercise, and not have to think about work etc. while doing it. Had to stop along the route a few times - though I hope that eventually I can cycle these sort of distances, and maybe further without needing to stop. I guess once I get back in to the swing of things, and get my rear wheel gears sorted, I will find it easier to tackle hills.

Hopefully I can keep this up and go for a cycle ride at least once every weekend! Certainly feel better for doing this one!

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