Last Thursday I finally got myself onto ntl: Broadband. I had been thinking about it for a while, and a week before that finally got round to ordering broadband. It's a great service £17.99 for 1mb connection to the internet, through a cable modem. Its a revolution in access, no more waiting for pages to load, videos and sounds arrives in seconds, and software downloads are fast.
Having seen connections to the broadband internet via Cable Modems and ADSL Modems I think that Cablemodemss are far better, as they can plug into yourEthernett port (or USB port) and are literally always on - when you turn the machine on you are connected to the internet, and unlike ADSL modems, there is no nee toinitiatee a connection to the service. If you are thinking of getting a broadband internet service, and you live in an area which has access to cable services from either ntl: or Telewest then go with a service from one of these providers, as you will find you get a better service.
The only downside with this connection is the cap on the service 3gb per month. This unfortunately is the same for most broadband ISPs in the UK, which is a shame, as broadband internet access should not be capped.Especially if the UK wants to be at the forefront of Broadband access.
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