Monday, May 09, 2005

Thats it for 4 Years or so

Oh well, another 4/5 years of Tony Blair's Labour government. Still at least he has a reduced majority. It would have been really good if he lost the election, but that didn't happen. It was good on the night to see that Michael Howards Conservative party won quite a few more seats. Labour have 356, losing 47 seats the Conservatives 197 gaining 33 seats and the Liberal Democrats 62 gaining 11 seats.

It's great to see the Liberal Deomocrats doing well. It means that we are entering a period of 3 party politics at last, something that is needed in this country. Now if we could only get the way we vote changed to something like this, 75% of seats decided on 1st past the post - ie get the most votes to win, and rest decided on voter share - ie get 22% of vote, get 22% of the remaining 25% of seats decided this way, so for example if there where 600 seats, 400 would be decided by the most votes wins, and the remaining 200 by share of the votes. If voting was done this way, then the Liberal Democrats would have a much better voice in parliament, and it would be easier to topple a governing party.

In my own constituency, the news is not good Michael Mates is still the MP, but with a reduce majority of 5,509 which means that his majority has gone down again. Once people realise the Liberal Democrats could win round here, Michael Mates may well be history!

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