Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Put your Hand in the Hand

Recently the lyrics to the song "Put your hand in the hand" have been providing me with some inspiration, iny my life at present:

Put your hand in the hand of the man that stilled the water,
Put your hand in the hand of the man that calmed the sea.
Take a look at yourself,
And you can look at others differently,
By putting your hand in the hand of the man from Galilee.

Every time I look into the holy book I wanna tremble.
When I read about the part Where the carpenter Cleared the temple.
For the buyers and the sellers are no different fellows Than what I confess to be,
And it causes me to shame to know we're not the people we should be.

I realised when listening to this song, that I have to keep my hand in the hand in the man from Galilee and that he will guide me in my life. I also realised that I am not the person that I should be, but by putting my hand in the hand of the man from Galilee he can help me to be the person I should be, and can guide me down the right path.

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